Step 1: Successfully complete your secondary and high school education
Completion of both secondary education commonly known as O-Level Education in Tanzania is the first step to guaranteeing you a place in any profession in the country. Once you pass your o-level you join High School where you pursue your A-Level Education. A line is draw towards to kind of profession you will undertake as only three subjects are taught which are by choice grouped in either Science related subjects, Arts related subjects and Commercial related subjects.
Any students who passes his Al-level exams is guaranteed a place in a University of their choice within Tanzania to undertake a degree. A student who pursued Arts subjects and performs well is guaranteed a place within a law school to undertake a bachelor of Laws Degree.
Step 2: Obtain an undergraduate degree
Universities offering a Bachelor of Law Degree want well-rounded students. Therefore, most law schools require you to have passed well both your O and A-level exams to get admission to a university for a law degree. Some students also get in after having studied a Certificate of Law and thereafter a Diploma in Law offered in various law colleges in the Country.
With that said, pre-university students who are interested in becoming lawyers should strongly consider their grades before attempting to apply for a law degree.
Step 3: Apply to law school
On successful completion of your Bachelor of Laws degree which requires a maximum of 4 years in Tanzania, a law graduate is then required to apply to the Law School of Tanzania prior to being admitted in the Bar.
The Law School of Tanzania offers training and pupilage on becoming an Advocate for a maximum duration of one year. A standardized test is administered several times each year by the Law School of Tanzania prior to being admitted to the Bar.
It is imperative to pass the law school exams and hence students are advised to take law school seriously.
Step 4: Complete law school and pass the Bar Exams
Before you can practice law, you’re required to pass the bar exam if you want to practice law.
A law student must successfully complete law school and pass all exams administered by the school. This includes undertaking a three months internship programme.
Step 5: Admission into the Bar
Being admitted to the Bar is a formal ceremony which a law students attends where the Chief Justice of Tanzania admits each successful student to practice law in the Country by being registered in the Roll of Advocates in Tanzania.
The ceremony is conducted by the law school in conjunction with the Judiciary, the Attorney General’s Office and the Tanganyika Law Society where an admitted lawyer now known as an Advocate will be an automatic member.
Once admitted and enrolled in the Roll of Advocates you can start practicing law in Tanzania.
Please note that admission to practice in Tanzania Mainland does not give you authority to practice in Zanzibar Isles who also maintain their own Bar Association and admission to the same is required prior to practice.[/vc_column_text][ct_button button_text=”Download Insight” button_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmdmlaw.co.tz%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F08%2F5-Steps-to-becoming-a-Lawyer-in-Tanzania.pdf|title:Download%20Insight”][/vc_column][/vc_row]