Types of Residence Permits in Tanzania

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]TYPES OF RESIDENCE PERMITS IN TANZANIA

All foreigners intending to reside in the United Republic of Tanzania for business, work, investment or any other acceptable purpose for a period of more than 90 days, are required to hold a residence permit from Tanzania Immigration Department.

The Commissioner General of Immigration Service is vested with the powers to issue residence permits in Tanzania. If an applicant is not satisfied with the Commissioner’s decision one may appeal to the Minster of Home Affairs while outside the country.

Resident permit applications are done electronically to either the Immigration headquarters, Zanzibar head office, Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC), Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA) and Zanzibar Investment Promotion Authority (ZIPA)

Resident permit applications are ordinarily made by applicants while they are outside the country.

There are three types of residence permits issued in Tanzania, namely:-

  1. Class A: For self –employed foreigners (investors)
  2. Class B: For expatriates working in company/ private institutions.
  3. Class C: For other class of foreigners such as researchers, retired persons, Missionaries, Volunteers etc.

Resident Permits Class A

Is granted to a person who intends to enter and/or remain in Tanzania and engage in self-employed investment in the field of prospecting and Mining, Agriculture and animal husbandry, profession and Consultancy Services, Professional Arts, Manufacturing and Processing, Larger scale Investment and Trade, Hospitality Industry and related activities, Information Technology and IT activities, Transport and Linguistics, Construction Industry, Real Estate Industry and other Investments.

Resident Permit Class B

Residence Permit Class “B” is issued to a foreigner who possesses qualification or skills, preferably in highly technical occupations, that are not readily available in the local labor market.

This covers foreigners with rare professions having specific employment by specific employer and professionals working in Government and Private strategic projects. Application must be made prior to the entry of the prospective employee into Tanzania.

Resident Permit Class C

Residence Permit Class ‘C’ is issued to a foreigner who are not eligible to obtain either Class “A” or “B” permits. These includes; researchers, retired persons, missionaries, former employees winding up affairs, individuals attending medical treatment, volunteers, intern, parties and witness in court of laws and tribunals e.tc. Application must be made prior to the entry of the prospective applicant into Tanzania except Retired persons and those winding up affairs.

Persons seeking resident permits are advised to visit our offices for further information.[/vc_column_text][ct_button button_text=”Download Insight” button_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmdmlaw.co.tz%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F08%2FTypes-of-Residence-Permits-in-Tanzania.pdf|title:Download%20Insight”][/vc_column][/vc_row]